Minimal Expectations of Our Members

  1. Regular worship attendance and reception of the Eucharist.
  2. Daily devotions – a “personal time” with the Lord.  Devotional materials are available for everyone.
  3. Financial support of the church – tithing is the Biblical norm.
  4. At least one congregational activity beyond worship.
  5. Participation in our Christian service ministries.
  6. Membership on at least one church committee.

Worship Volunteer Opportunities

  1. Usher – greeting worshipers, distributing worship folders and receiving the offering.
  2. Worship Assistant – reading the lessons, providing a children’s focus, and assisting with Holy Communion distribution
  3. Preparers – setting the altar ware for Holy Communion
  4. Choir – rehearses as announced and welcomes new voices
  5. Hand Bells – Occasional hand bell rehearsals and performance during worship

Christian Education Opportunities

  1. Sunday School Student – our need to learn is always necessary.
  2. Sunday School Teacher – the need for teachers is always critical.
  3. Bible Study – gather with your fellow church members as they explore God’s Word as it forms and informs their lives.
  4. Periodicals – Available are copies of devotional booklets.  “The Lutheran”, published monthly, is sent to every member.
  5. Other Opportunities – Confirmation, new member classes, Vacation Bible School, projects, and many fellowship events.

Christian Service Opportunities

  1. Social Ministry we seek to gather and distribute help for serious incidental and continuing needs of people in our community, support of Native American needs in Cherokee, and reaching out to those in special need of God’s love.
  2. Visitation – we have residence bound members and others who benefit from member outreach and visitation in their homes. Membership prospects and new residents are also in need of visitation and personal ministry.

Children and Youth

Currently there are not a large number of children and youth at Holy Communion but there are a significant number of children in our extended families, As the need arises we form and carry out the following:

  1. Multi-age level Sunday School classes
  2. The Confirmation Program is a two year, three month faith forming experience. The pupils are encouraged to attend summer confirmation camp for at least one session.
  3. Luther League & Little Luthers – for youth and children


  1. WELCA – the group with two functioning circles, “secret sisters”, and other activities.
  2. LMIM – men`s group (currently dormant)
  3. Fellowship Meals – Special occasion lunch gatherings following Sunday worship.  There are also other occasions such as Shrove Tuesday, Easter morning, vacation Bible school, Decoration Day, Fall Festival, bazaars and events at which meals are shared.

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